10 warning signs of "fake nice people"
By David Tonny
Published 1 year ago

     Fake nice people are those who appear to be kind, helpful, and friendly on the surface, but are actually insincere and manipulative in their actions. These individuals often have ulterior motives and use their niceness as a way to gain something from others. Here are 10 signs that someone may be a fake nice person:

  • Inconsistency: A fake nice person may switch between being overly nice and then suddenly cold or rude. This inconsistency can be a sign that their behavior is not genuine.
  • Flattery: Fake nice people often use flattery as a way to gain favor or manipulate others. They may give insincere compliments or use excessive praise to make someone feel good about themselves, with the goal of getting something in return.
  • Passive-aggressiveness: A fake nice person may hide their true feelings behind a veil of kindness, but still show their true intentions through subtle, passive-aggressive comments or actions.
  • Gossip: A fake nice person may use gossip as a way to gain information or control over others. They may use gossip to bond with someone or to create a sense of trust, only to use that information against them later.
  • Conditional kindness: A fake nice person may only be kind or helpful when they can gain something in return. Their kindness may be conditional, and they may quickly become indifferent or hostile if they don't receive what they want.
  • Inauthenticity: A fake nice person may seem insincere or fake in their actions and words. They may use rehearsed lines or actions or seem like they are putting on an act in order to impress others.
  • Manipulation: A fake nice person may use manipulation as a way to get what they want from others. They may twist situations to their advantage or use guilt as a way to make someone do what they want.
  • Self-centeredness: A fake nice person may be self-centered and only interested in their own needs. They may pretend to care about others, but their actions and words show that their true priority is themselves.
  • Disrespect: A fake nice person may show disrespect towards others, even if they are being kind on the surface. They may belittle or criticize others in subtle ways, or show a lack of concern for their feelings.
  • Lack of empathy: A fake nice person may lack empathy and be unable to truly understand or connect with others on an emotional level. They may pretend to care about others, but their actions show a lack of concern or understanding.

     In conclusion, it can be difficult to identify fake nice people, as their actions and words may seem genuine at first. However, by paying attention to their behavior and looking for signs of insincerity and manipulation, it is possible to identify these individuals and protect yourself from their harmful intentions.