6 Toxic Relationship Habits Most People Think Are Normal
By David Tonny
Published 1 year ago

     Toxic relationship habits are harmful patterns of behavior that can damage the health and well-being of individuals and couples alike. Unfortunately, many people in relationships often fall into the trap of believing that certain toxic habits are normal, which can lead to long-term damage and emotional distress. Here are six toxic relationship habits that most people think are normal:

Jealousy and Possessiveness

     Jealousy and possessiveness are often seen as signs of love and affection. However, these emotions can quickly spiral out of control and lead to destructive behavior. It is not healthy for one partner to try to control the other's every move or limit their interactions with friends and family members. This can cause feelings of isolation and resentment, ultimately damaging the relationship. Instead, healthy relationships are built on trust, mutual respect, and the freedom to be oneself without fear of judgment or retribution.

Constant Criticism and Put-Downs.

     Criticism and put-downs are other common toxic habits that people often mistake for normal behavior. It is not uncommon for couples to poke fun at each other or tease one another from time to time. However, constant criticism and belittling can cause significant damage to a relationship over time. It can erode the self-esteem of the targeted partner and create a power imbalance within the relationship. Instead, partners should focus on building each other up and offering constructive feedback in a supportive and caring manner.

Ignoring or Dismissing Feelings.

     Ignoring or dismissing one's partner's feelings is another toxic habit that can be detrimental to a relationship. It is important for both partners to feel heard and understood, even if they do not always agree with one another. Dismissing or ignoring someone's emotions can make them feel unimportant and undervalued, leading to resentment and feelings of isolation. Instead, couples should practice active listening and strive to validate one another's feelings, even if they do not fully understand them.

Withholding Affection and Attention.

    Withholding affection and attention is another common toxic habit that can damage relationships. Partners may withhold physical affection, emotional support, or even basic communication as a means of punishing their partner or expressing their dissatisfaction. This can lead to feelings of loneliness and rejection and can ultimately cause the relationship to break down. Instead, couples should communicate openly and honestly about their needs and desires, and strive to meet each other's emotional and physical needs.

Gaslighting and Manipulation.

     Gaslighting and manipulation are insidious toxic habits that can be difficult to recognize. Partners may use these tactics to control their partner's behavior or emotions, making them doubt their perceptions of reality. This can be extremely damaging and can erode trust and respect within the relationship. Instead, couples should strive for open and honest communication and avoid using manipulation tactics to get their way.

Stonewalling and Avoidance.

     Stonewalling and avoidance are toxic habits that can be particularly damaging to a relationship. When one partner shuts down or withdraws from communication, it can leave the other feeling isolated and frustrated. This can create a cycle of emotional distance and resentment that can be difficult to break. Instead, partners should strive for open and honest communication, even when it is uncomfortable or difficult. Couples can learn to navigate conflict and disagreement healthily and constructively, without resorting to avoidance or stonewalling.

     Summarily, toxic relationship habits are all too common in today's society, and many people mistake them for normal behavior. Couples need to recognize these toxic patterns and work to overcome them, to build healthy and supportive relationships. By communicating openly, listening actively, and treating one another with respect and kindness, couples can cultivate strong and lasting bonds that bring joy and fulfillment to their lives.