BEST Places To Visit In Romania in 2023
By David Tonny
Published 1 year ago

     Romania, though underrated in terms of tourism and tourist attractions, it is magical by default . The country is sufficiently endowed with a plethora of tourist and fascination and attractions that attracts holidaymakers from all over the world. Some of the most popular destinations in Romania include the medieval city of Sighisoara, the stunning castles of Bran and Peles, the painted monasteries of Bucovina, the Danube Delta, and the beautiful Carpathian Mountains. That being said, here are the top 10 underrated yet magnificent tourist attractions in Romania:
     First among these gems is the Merry Cemetery of Săpânța, a place both merry and mournful, where gravestones are painted in vivid hues of blue and green and inscribed with lighthearted poems that celebrate the lives of the departed. 'Tis a sight to gladden the heart and ease the soul, and one not to be missed.
     Next on our list is the painted monasteries of Bucovina, those holy halls bedecked in frescoes of dazzling beauty. The monks who painted them were no mere artisans, but true visionaries, whose work transports the viewer to a realm of pure wonder and awe.
     Third among our treasures is the Corvin Castle of Hunedoara, a fortress of fearsome beauty, with towers that scrape the very sky. Its walls have seen wars and sieges but now stand serene and proud, a testament to the skill and determination of its builders.
     Fourth among our wonders is the Palace of the Parliament in Bucharest, a grand edifice of marble and gold that ranks among the largest buildings in the world. Its halls are filled with art and history, and its sheer scale is enough to leave any visitor awestruck.
    The Mud Volcanoes of Buzău, are a natural wonder that bubbles and churns, sending plumes of hot mud high into the air. There's no way such a fascination can go unmentioned. 'Tis a strange and wondrous sight, one that must be seen to be believed.
      The Turda Salt Mine is a key item in our list of tourist attractions in Romania, an underground marvel whose caverns have been transformed into a subterranean playground. Here one can ride a Ferris wheel, row a boat, or simply wander the vast halls and marvel at the sheer scope of the mine.
     Merry Cemetery of Dragomirești, a smaller but no less enchanting version of its Săpânța cousin appears in our list of tourist attractions in Romania. Here, too, the gravestones are painted and inscribed with verse, a testament to the joy and humor that can be found even amid grief.
   Among our wonders on the list is the Sphinx of Bucegi, a natural formation whose shape resembles that of the Great Sphinx of Egypt. Some say it is a work of ancient art, while others believe it to be a sacred site of mystical power. Whatever the truth may be, it is a sight that cannot fail to inspire wonder and awe.
    Ninth on our list is the fortified church of Biertan, a fortress-like structure that once served as a refuge for the townspeople in times of war. Its walls are thick and its defenses formidable but within lie treasures of art and faith that are worth the journey to behold.
     Finally, we come to the Danube Delta, a wild and untamed landscape that teems with life and beauty. Here, among the reeds and waterways, one can witness a world of rare and precious creatures, from pelicans and herons to otters and wild horses. It is a place of untold wonder and one that every traveler to Romania should make a pilgrimage to see.640067dfd3f30.jpg