Is minimalism eroding aestheticity ?
By David Tonny
Published 2 years ago

     The term minimalism appears to be universal these days. For something that's all about decrease and "less is more", there's an overwhelming unpleasant lot of it. The term is now pragmatic to countless viewpoints, products, or lifestyle choices, from a light-fitting design to the goal of possessing fewer belongings. The explanations are broad. Is it a thoughtful philosophy, envisioned to make us replicate the mutilation we're doing to the planet?
     This isn't an outburst on capital minimalism, which is a cognizant design movement. I'm referring to the unconscious, minimalism Which has become the social evasion for apparently every design choice, be it architectural or corporate or anything else. It is a disturbing phenomenon for the reason that minimalism represents a lack of detail.
     But then again, do details matter? Let’s think deeply in terms of identity. The particulars: color, moldings , the beautification at the top. And don’t get me wrong here. I'm not essentially talking about beauty here. I'm simply talking about things possessing some noticeable qualities & individualities.

What do you see between these two?  

You will agree with me that the one on the first one complements the attraction & character of its location. But what about the second one? it is fair to say that it's just there to serve the single intended purpose; llock the entrance. It's hardly noticeable.
     On a far-reaching and real-world thought, How many big corporations have rebranded in the direction of far more cut-down logos? This is an infamous current example. The thing with elements (and, therefore, individuality) is that individuals have dissimilar tastes. So, to some extent, it imposes something on a person. Default minimalist designs shred all uniqueness away from things. It presents an impartial, clean slate that enforces nothing. So when minimalism has become the social default for everything from benches & bollards to skyscrapers & national assemblies, We have a fall in cultural aesthetics.
      It’s worth noting that I am not referring to sentient minimalism. You have every right to ornament your room in a minimalist fashion, that is very much okay. It’s no one’s problem. However, the problem we have here is the social drift towards utter simplification. Predominantly, the most awful misconduct of minimalist design is how it has uncovered all color away from things. It’s fair to say that Maybe the minimalist design is so widespread because we no longer have anything to say. Things no longer speak about anything at all. They are just there. And suddenly everything everywhere begins to look the same. Total detachment. No elements. No individuality.
