Potential life  hacks to live  with.
By Martha B
Published 2 years ago

     A life hack is any trick, knowledge, or unique method that enhances productivity and effectiveness, in all walks of life. Below are some potential hacks in life that are essential in our day-to-day life.

-It's common to make mistakes because that signifies improvement. If you are not making mistake, it's either you are not doing right it right or you are repeating what you’ve been doing periodically.

-Never lend money to your friends, you will lose money and friendship.
-Readers are leaders. - if you want to lead your life, you need to read books that enthuse, enlighten and offer to understand. By so doing, you can begin to actually lead yourself.
-Don't spend all your money today, save with the hope of making more tomorrow.
-No one associates/identifies with poverty. Work hard and beat the hell out of poverty.
-Stop thinking and start acting.-Too much thinking without action is a waste of energy and time.
-Be humble. There's nothing to brag about. It’s all conceit.
-Learn to say"yes" and"no".
-Don't blame others for making mistakes. as an alternative finds an amicable way in which you can avoid such mistakes. We all aren’t perfect.
-Prioritize to treat yourself first. Remember, no one will think about you if you don’t have time to think about yourself.
-Today is extremely tough, tomorrow will be more difficult, and the day after tomorrow will be sunshine. Learn to live with the pattern, do not shut down today because of tomorrow.
-There’s no sense in making mistakes on something that you ought to have learned lessons from other people's experience and avoid. Experience is not the best teacher. 
-You can never be too busy for your family and siblings. Never tell your loved ones that you are too busy.You will end up needing them at a timr when every other person runs away from you.
