Signs of Emotionally Manipulative People
By David Tonny
Published 1 year ago

     Emotional manipulation is a complex and subtle form of manipulation that involves controlling and manipulating the emotions of others for personal gain. It can be difficult to recognize because it often occurs gradually and subtly, making it challenging to pinpoint the exact signs and tactics used by emotionally manipulative individuals. However, there are several common signs that can help you identify such people in your life. Here are eight signs of emotionally manipulative people:

  • Guilt-tripping: Emotionally manipulative individuals often use guilt as a tool to control others. They may make you feel guilty for expressing your needs, setting boundaries, or pursuing your own happiness. They exploit your empathy and compassion to make you feel responsible for their emotions and needs, even when it is not justified. They may use phrases like "If you really cared about me, you would do this for me" to manipulate you into compliance.
  • Gaslighting: Gaslighting is a manipulative tactic wherein the manipulator distorts your perception of reality, making you doubt your own thoughts, feelings, and memories. They may deny or invalidate your experiences, making you question your sanity or credibility. By undermining your confidence, they gain power and control over you, making it easier for them to manipulate your emotions and decisions.
  • Emotional blackmail: Emotional manipulators are skilled at using your vulnerabilities against you. They may threaten to withdraw love, support, or affection if you don't comply with their demands. This form of manipulation creates fear and anxiety, forcing you to prioritize their needs and desires over your own. They exploit your fear of abandonment or rejection to maintain control over the relationship.
  • Manipulative charm: Emotionally manipulative individuals often possess a charming and charismatic demeanor. They can be highly skilled at winning people over and gaining their trust. This charm is used to manipulate others into fulfilling their needs and desires. They may use flattery, compliments, and acts of kindness to create a positive image, which makes it harder for their victims to recognize their manipulative behavior.
  • Constant criticism: Emotional manipulators frequently criticize and belittle others to undermine their self-esteem and maintain control. They may use subtle or overt criticism to erode your confidence, making you more dependent on their validation and approval. By attacking your self-worth, they create an environment where you feel inadequate and reliant on their judgment.
  • Isolation: Emotional manipulators often seek to isolate their victims from friends, family, and support networks. By cutting you off from other sources of support, they increase their control over your emotions and decisions. They may discourage you from spending time with loved ones or make you feel guilty for seeking support outside the relationship. Isolation makes you more vulnerable to their manipulation and less likely to question their behavior.
  • Playing the victim: Manipulators often play the victim to gain sympathy and shift blame onto others. They may exaggerate or fabricate stories to evoke empathy and support from those around them. By casting themselves as the innocent party, they manipulate others into feeling sorry for them and taking their side. This tactic makes it difficult for you to address their manipulative behavior, as they twist the narrative to maintain their control.
  • Emotional rollercoaster: Emotionally manipulative individuals can create a constant state of chaos and drama in relationships. They may provoke arguments, create tension, or engage in inconsistent behavior to keep you off balance and emotionally invested. This rollercoaster of emotions creates a dependency on their approval and keeps you focused on managing their needs, diverting your attention from recognizing their manipulative tactics.

     It is important to remember that emotional manipulation is a form of abuse, and no one deserves to be subjected to such treatment. If you suspect that you are dealing with an emotionally manipulative person, it is crucial to seek support from trusted friends