These mistakes are killing your relationship/marriage
By Martha B
Published 2 years ago

     Each blossoming relationship goes through obstacles. But what begs the question is, where do you bigin from, in your attempt to salvage the situation and your marriage? You might be scared that your marriage or relationship may be in deep distress that it's beyond repair to come back from it and fall in love again. Essentially, just like our bodily health, our relationships require day-to-day attention to stay in good shape. On the other hand, married life is not without relationship complications. This however doesn’t justify that couples don't engage in blunders that can turn lethal, unknowingly. It's however never too late to put things right. you first need to begin identifying these blunders and then begin cultivating love and affection in your relationship. These conflicts include:
Shifting blame.
     Honestly, you or your spouse is/are occasionally wrong. don’t you think that Things would be healthier if you/they changed their deleterious behavior? this begs the question, what inspires people to change?
When you condemn your spouse for their conduct, what do you think is the emotional impact on them? Now put yourself in the shoes of your spouse and answer the question. How would you feel?
     Conceivably, you may feel attacked and controlled and then they wonder why you're condemning them or ignoring them later.
It’s worth noting that, what would inspire your partner to change is the same thing that enthused them to do those brilliant things they did for you when you were falling in love!Note that, when you were profoundly in love and it certainly made you feel good to do things that made them feel noble. Nonetheless, by so saying, we aren’t exonerating accountability
Always striving to win an argument.
     Although you haven’t pointed fingers at your spouse, you’ve probably attempted to demonstrate that you’re right when you’re in a disagreement, haven’t you? It's human one feels good to be in the wrong.However, you can’t deny the feeling of connection when you are both in agreement. well, when you get stuck in proving a point rather than creating the sync, you are trading the connection and enjoyment, at the expense of selfishness, ego, or pride, ending up feeling wounded and detached.
     Learn to create an environment of a win-win situation that gets both of your needs met. I guess it’s time that you figure out how to fashion the win-win situation and salvage your relationship /marriage.
Pretending that everything is okay and ignoring red flags.
     There’s a fake presumption that skirmishes might just disappear by ignoring them, maybe for the reason that we perhaps don't want to keep fueling the sparks.This leads to impassive aggression and more saboteurs of the promise to which you both devoted to nurture. Regrettably, when couples stay in a succession of evading conflict and fighting, the fights get crueler over time. Ultimately, marriage perishes in the process.
Nevertheless, there are supplementary methods to create desire! You need to share your feelings before they turn into enormous quarrels