This is why drinking lemon water is good for your kidney and the general immune system
By Martha B
Published 2 years ago

     Lemon water is rich in sugars, vitamin C, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, niacin, and minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, and iron. Drinking some lemon water every day complements the nutrients the body needs. Research has confirmed that drinking lemon water aid in stopping the formation of kidney stones.

     Basically, a glass of lemon water containing one 48-gram lemon pressed, comprises: 10.6 calories,18.6 milligrams (mg) of vitamin C, or 21% of the Daily Value (DV),9.6 micrograms (mcg) of folate, or 2% of the DV,49.4 mg of potassium, or 1% of the DV,0.038 mg of iron, or < 1% of the DV,0.01 mg of vitamin B-1, or 1% of the DV,0.01 mg of vitamin B-2, or 1% of the DV, and 0.06 mg of vitamin B-5, or 1% of the DV.
      Lemon water comprises a lot of citric acids, which can stop mineral crystallization, in so doing, reducing the formation of kidney stones thus regulating the health status of your kidney. kidney stones occur after the minerals in the urine crystallize and gather inside the kidneys, resulting in the formation of stone-like granules and so the name –kidney stones.
     Maintaining a proper water-taking routine can be monotonous owing to the tasteless status of water and therefore adding a little lemon encourages you to drink more water, consequently maintaining your hydration level.
     Additionally, lemon water is rich in vitamin C, 100 grams of lemon juice contains about 39 mg of vitamin C which is a natural antioxidant, with anti-oxidation, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral and anti-bacterial roles.In addition to vitamin c properties, lemon water plays an active role in the synthesis of collagen, absorbs iron, and produces hormones.
So how do you go bout preparing lemon water?
-squeeze half a lemon into 8 grains of warm or cold water.
-You may add a sprinkle of flavor or a health boost by adding: a few springs of mint, a teaspoon of maple syrup or virgin honey, a piece of raw garden-fresh ginger, a sprint of cinnamon, or a dusting of turmeric.
You are now ready to begin your morning with a cup of warm lemon water, and keep a jug of water bathed with a few cut lemons in your refrigerator to drink all the way through the day.