This is why sequential dating is harmful to your life
By David Tonny
Published 1 year ago

     Dating is an ethical way to get to know someone you like. Sequential dating provides you with the chance to come across several fresh people which arguably could be exhilarating. Dating could be beneficial if you recognize your specific boundaries and invent them. By so doing, your likelihood of getting a decent acquaintance deepens with each particular take.
     Calm as it seems, it could be a thorough formula for some. Folks who preserve an extraordinarily high standard or may not have an indication about what capabilities they are specifically looking for in their spouse or do not learn from their preceding errors could end up with a “difficult” of fruitless dates. The increasing support for “online” dating has enhanced sequential dating since getting potentials and declining them have become rather easy. So what is erroneous with serial dating? A lot of folks do it, and besides, you have to get the right individual through a sequence of ‘trial and error”, but then again how do you define “right”? Dating could be a noble way, to see/meet new people, but there are unquestionably countless weaknesses to the whole progression, and here are a few of them:
Giving your best becomes an uphill task.
     The individual you have formerly dated may have been disloyal to you, lied, given you hollow promises, or broken off with you for no justified reason. The tricky is, all these experiences seem to dispense a mark, and if they were severe, and you have not given yourself enough time to get over the frustration or grief, there’s a likelihood that these “marks and bruises” will resurface on the following dates.
    So, what if your succeeding date is purely delightful and just the one you have been looking for? Say your preliminary few dates were reasonable, and you have established feelings for the person, and on the 40th day you precipitately catch that person with another guy/girl in a suspicious manner? Would you at once start disbelieving him/her and equate him with someone dishonest from your previous? It is this inclination of comparing that distresses a relationship, and may even smash it.
Optimism for a better person than the current.
    “The dude I went out with last evening was great; he speaks of exciting things and works in a good place, but there is something wide of the mark about the way he eats” or “The chic I saw last evening was decent enough; she is cute, shrewd and even hilarious, but then again I am still not certain about it, she does not meet a few other standards that I am looking for”. Persons who have gone through lengthy sequences of dates have met a handful of men and women, and for that reason, end up with a “misty” impression of what precisely they are looking for. They cannot decide, and nothing appears to gratify them, thus, they hurriedly move on to the next.
Worse, serial daters may develop the tendency to reject people based on qualities that the other person may not have any control over, for instance; body weight, eye color, complexion, table manners, or the way she laughs, etc. In this way, they tend to make rash decisions and end up dating a person who was otherwise perfect for them.
Unhealthy sex life.
     Compound dates may end up in lengthy sequences of physical relationships. This culminates in Sleeping with random several men and women, whose backgrounds are scarcely known. Immoral and dangerous sexual relationships with accidental partners position the dangers of STDs and unwanted pregnancies.
Besides, wanton sexual relationships may leave very little room in us to relish making love with identical enthusiasm when the actual thing comes along. It also increases the bar of hope from the next date, and when the subsequent date is not as decent in bed as the preceding dates have been, he or she is out.
 It creates Fear of the unknown.
     Repetitive dating, as pointed out earlier, makes you pick one of the side-effects of being choosy, such that, each time you see a mistake in a new person, you run since you know you have numerous choices in the track. These “hit-and-run” circumstances in relationships have an emotional impact on our decision to cooperate and fit in, the reason that not one person is faultless. There might be no one in the world who possibly will fit 100% of your lengthy list of conditions, and for that reason, you better break and think before you garbage dump the next person.

      Summarily, Grave imperfections in relationships may necessitate specialized psychoanalysis, and that is a different issue. On the other hand, trivial issues should be given the middle ground and dealt with, and if possible, they should be mended.