This is why sour milk is essential to your health
By David Tonny
Published 2 years ago

     Initially, milk fermentation occurred completely by accident, however as time went by, folks began to make simple but significant observations. So after some time, several starters were generated either by accidental or knowledgeable choices that nurtured the fermentation process and set the basis for the formation of numerous fermented milk products.

     Fermented dairy products are prevalent for virtuous reasons. They have a pleasant individual taste, smell, texture, nutritive and curative properties. The taste of milk changes during fermentation and new tang forms, nurturing the use of sour milk as an equal food product. Arguably, all the varieties of sour milk are stress-free to digest and the human bacterium integrates them well. Besides, they enhance appetite and fuel the functions of the pancreas, and liver as well as the excretion of bile.

     Milk proteins of sour milk are partly coagulated due to the acidic setting, so they are easily consumable, which implies that the amino acids in their configuration are absorbed well into our bloodstream. This can be called external preliminary digestion, something that doesn’t lessen the biological significance of proteins as their amino acid content doesn’t change.

     Sour milk comprises a significant amount of calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, sulfur, and sodium compounds. We get a small number of microelements such as selenium, zinc, molybdenum, cobalt, and iodine from sour milk.

     Sour milk principally contains various vitamins of the B-group (notably vitamins B2, B5, and B12): some of them come from the original milk and some are produced by the existing lactic acid bacteria.

     The lactic acid in the configuration of fermented milk products fuels the functions of various digestive glands, so it facilitates the digestion process. The systematic consumption of sour milk equally enhances the function of the intestines, hence averting constipation.

     Taking non-pasteurized milk enriches the gastrointestinal tract with lactic acid bacteria to a greater extent. The use of probiotic bacteria in the starter of sour milk is particularly helpful as they also contribute to health purifying.

    The bacteria in sour milk produce compounds that have an antibiotic effect. Sour milk with this configuration is recommended in numerous exceptional diets. The quality of sour milk or a product made from sour milk is dependent on several dynamics, they include:

-The configuration and value of the original milk

-The period and temperature of the fermentation procedure of the original milk

-The quantity and configuration of the starter

-The acidic content of the product and conditions that can affect it

-The oxygen content of the product

-The storage temperature of the product during its shelf-life

 -The flavor of sour milk drinks typically depends on the materials used and their amounts.

So,how do you go about preparing How to sour milk?

     Currently, there are two ways to get sour milk. you can either purchase sour milk manufactured by dairy industries from a store, or you can make it at home. However, it’s worth noting that milk in a closed package with an expired sell-by date, or that has been kept in non-compliant conditions doesn’t ferment into sour milk at all. All you will find in the package is a liquid with a nasty smell and a nauseating taste.That said, You can make sour milk from raw milk at home. In this case, under the right conditions, the fermentation process takes place impulsively. Add the starter with lactic acid bacteria to achieve good results.Use either a distinctive starter or milk products that comprise a living lactic acid bacteria for this purpose. Add about 5% of this product (sour cream, fermented buttermilk, sour milk, etc.) to the original milk that you want to ferment and warm the milk to 20–25 °C first, add the starter, and mix the two carefully.After a while when curds with an appropriate thickness have molded, rapidly cool the sour milk, either by stirring it or by any other means.

     Sour milk should be stored at a cold temperature, as the lactic-acid fermentation activates quickly in warm places, and as a result, two unfavorable changes may take place in the product over time: the product becomes too sour to the palate, and it may not suit consumers who cannot drink sour drinks due to inflammatory procedures in the gastrointestinal tract.

     It’s worth noting that Sour milk that has taken too long to ferment is not suitable for consumption by an infant. If the surroundings become too sour, the lactic acid bacteria start to die progressively leading to a decrease in the microbiological value of the product. The product may also stratify into two phases in case of excessive acidification: the protein- and fat-rich layer on top and the aqueous phase at the bottom. That said, you can enhance the nutritional significance of sour milk made at home or bought from a store by including sugar, jams, mueslis, and kama-meal in it, or by using it as a constituent during the preparation of other dishes such as doughs, batters or marinades.
