Wildebeest Migration 
By Emmanuel chesire
Published 3 years ago

     What is Wildebeest Migration? Although this question might appear rhetoric especially for inhabitants of east African countries,it is no doubt that wildebeest migration is a vocabulary to some people from various parts of the world. The wildebeest migration is one of the 8th  Wonder of the World. It's one of the phenomenal yet one-of-a-kind events that happen. Trust me, there are wonders you need to see quite often, in your stay in this world, and this is one. The formation of Masai Mara and Serengeti national parks is exceptional and cannot be compared to any other in this world. It's magical, implausible, great and so, it’s a must event you shouldn’t miss out on!

     There’s no place, in the whole world where is there a migration of wildlife as massive as the wildebeest migration. It's assessed that over two million faunas migrate from the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania to the emerald grasslands of the Masai Mara National Reserve in Kenya throughout July all the way October. The exodus is usually marred with several catastrophes as this is usually “Christmas” for most predators. during this migration, wildebeests cross-river Mara where crocodiles among other predator’s camp, waiting for the yearly prey. This is one of the best parts of the animal’s attempt and crosses the Mara River alive. It's in Mara river where they will be startled, pursued, and run down by the larger carnivores. The Maasai Mara also has one of the largest concentrations of the lion in the world and is making it home for all wildlife-related documentary filmmakers in the world.

     The platform on which this demonstration is set is roughly labeled as the Serengeti Bio network, approximately 40, 000 square kilometers pretty much demarcated by the prevailing exodus paths of the white-bearded wildebeest (Connochaetes tuarinus mearnsi) and consist of parts of the Ngoro Ngoro Conservation Area in the south; the Serengeti National Park and the neighboring Maswa Game Reserve and other ‘controlled’ areas in the center, east and west; and the Masai Mara National Reserve to the north. The standard actors are the wildebeest, whose numbers seem to have stable at just under 1.7 million, with subsidiary roles from some 400,000 Thomson’s gazelle, 300,000 zebras, and 12,000 elands. These are the chief migrators and they cross the ranges of over a quarter of a million  including other inhabitant herbivores and, of course, carnivores. The lions, hyenas, leopards, cheetahs, and minor marauders await the yearly coming of the voyage with enthusiastic expectation.