Behaviors that make men unattractive to women
By David Tonny
Published 2 years ago

     A good number of men have a completely wrong notion of good looks. Whereas most men strive to get the huge muscle and six-pack abs out, they overlook the element that desirability is an all-inclusive package that does not always bear a resemblance to the way you look. You may have an admirable face, athletic body shape, and an agreeable character in terms of the clothing you wear, but if some of your approaches are not good enough, you may not going to be regarded as eye-catching by the opposite sex.

 Being Naive

     One of the most desirability-killing things about men is being unreceptive. If you are someone who is sitting there and doing nothing but to lament about everything around you, you are undoubtedly being considered as someone who is not eye-catching. You have to exhibit capability in expressing your state of mind rather than sitting down, doing nothing, and being gloomy about the fact that it did not happen. You are liable for your mistakes and therefore, you must own your responsibility. Good-looking men are accountable people.

Uncultured grooming

Dudes who are well mindful about individual hygiene are eye-catching to the ladies and the ones that are not are less appealing. Modest matters like showering every day and putting on deodorant when meeting someone (especially a potential date) are the spots of a man who is communally intellectual and well-conscious of how to command a comfortable atmosphere ,while in the presence of others. If a guy does not know that simple element, he will have no achievement with women, no matter how good he looks on the superficial.

Playing Games

If you want to demonstrate the “hard-to-get “attitude too much, you are bound to be in huge misfortune. Displaying the approach of “I don’t care” surely does not help the relationship no matter how good you look. Essentially, you are too betrothed in the power brawl battle rather than actually linking with the person you like. Such games validate the point that you are not looking for someone to link with but to control. In view of this, if you are not presenting sufficient respect and care to the other person, chances are you'll end up having a sour relationship with the person you like.

You Have Personality Issues

If you are too obsessed with attempts to look, sound, and act like someone else since you want to have the attention of all, it does not make you good-looking. Women like unique guys who appreciate their inimitable individualities as compared to mimicking others to gain recognition of the popularity around them. Getting attracted and attached to someone for the relationship is not a tournament, it is rather finding the correct person who would love the matchless character that you are, which is separate from everybody. Be you . Be who you are.

Horrible Attitude

     This is a huge aspect that takes away desirability points from men. It has something to do with the “halo effect” of having a reasoning prejudice towards everything around you. This indicates that, for the reason that you don’t appreciate or venerate the devotion that has been offered to you by people. You have advanced a definite undesirable partiality on everything you experience in your day-to-day life. Your understanding of every circumstance is deleterious. Women commonly like guys who are optimistic and carry an affirmative and outgoing ambiance with them. So, if you want to be more good-looking, you have to master the art of conveying constructive energy to each circumstance you face. By so doing, you will be more desired by women and you may end up finding the right person that you have anticipated coming across, all your life.
