These things are unknowingly making you unattractive to others
By David Tonny
Published 2 years ago

     Some folks are popular and admired by everyone around them, while others have certain undesirable personalities that make them less amiable. Nevertheless, many people don’t appear to understand that they have these individualities that make them exasperating or intolerable. This article lists some of the things that could be making people hate you. Read on and see if any of them seem familiar!
Being self-centered
     Nobody adores a narcissist. Coincidentally, many folks appear egotistic or narcissistic without meaning to. You think you’re the only one that matters. Every condition, occasion, or even discussion must spin around you. You are inconsiderate towards other people. If this echoes something you do, then it may be time to adjust your attitude toward life.
     Negativity is not considered to be an eye-catching value. If you’re persistently putting things down or seeing situations from a negative perspective, try to change your approach. Nobody wants to be associated with someone who’s always seeing the bad instead of the good. Your pessimism will bring others down and they will relate to you with cynicism and negative energy.
Being timid.
     If you keep interrogating your significance to others and call for the opinions of others for justification, then you certainly appear distasteful to others. This kind of conduct appears anxious and insecure and will make you look silly and undeveloped. Insecurity can put people off and can make others hesitant to be around you.
     Every Tom, Dick, and Harry likes a neck-and-neck playing field, and no one likes an interventionist friend. If you are constantly controlling people, making pronouncements, or acting like you are in charge of your social circle, no one will love spending time with you. Sometimes overbearing people will use influence and charm others to do what they want.
Bad manners.
     Humble behaviors can make a massive difference if you want people to like you. Saying please and thank you, not interjecting, making conversation, showing gratitude, having table manners, and being on time all imitate consideration for others and esteem for one’s self. Pitiable behaviors can make anyone appear very displeasing. No one wants to be around someone who acts hostile or ill-mannered.
     A respectable friend is recognized for trustworthiness and dependability. Many people who participate in unpleasant behaviors are time and again deceitful, lying about everything. This can also consist of gossiping and disseminating stories about other people. If this sounds like something you do, you just have to take a good look at your behavior and do some serious soul-searching.
Being too competitive
     It doesn't have to be all about competition. Consequently, you don’t have to be better than others. Being desperately competitive can damage your relationships with people who matter to you, and deprive you of the opportunity to enjoy many delightful things in life. Learn how to acknowledge other people’s achievements. Put more care into your friends, and let them have their instant.
