Essential items for a stress-free game drive
By David Tonny
Published 3 years ago

     Adventure provides us the chance to generate some very exceptional commemorations in our lives, and a game drive is one of such adventures.It draws you nearer to your desires and actual self while challenging you in various ways whilst treading into the unfamiliar territories and building reminiscences out of it.The term “Game” in tour and travel refers to animals that are not domesticated, whereas the word "drive" is an act that involves propelling or carrying along by force or speed, in a specific direction.

     A game drive is usually part of a journey amidst the naturally occurring fauna and flora, usually done either using one’s car or a specially customized off-road car with guidance from a tour operator and a guide. A game drive is the highlight of any adventure in the wild, giving you the required view of different types of naturally occurring fauna and flora, as well as the magical geographical features. So, how should one equip him/herself while preparing for a game drive?


     While on an adventure, apart from the memories that will remain in you, photographs are your only souvenirs to crown up these memories. You’ll be taking a lot of photos when you’re out on a game drive. although smartphone cameras continue to improve, a quality DSLR camera with an optical lens is a must if you want the best photos possible. While carrying a camera, bear in mind that game drives are usually dusty/muddy, bumpy. Since almost all features that you’ll be taking pictures of are often some distance from your vehicle, carrying along a telephoto lens will be helpful especially if your objective is to capture more close shots of the indigenous wildlife. Pack spare batteries and memory cards because you may go out of batteries power and memory quicker than anticipated!


     95% of your activity while on a game drive involves the use of eyes. While on a game drive, you’ll be encountering a good number of animals, birds, natural features, habitats, etc. However, some of these observations will be too distant to capture with ordinary eyes and I tell you nothing beats a great pair of binoculars. An 8x30 magnification binoculars are recommended. this will allow you to capture great moments and features asp crisp and vivid as they appear with great comfort and less strain.

Game-Ready Clothing.

Pull out your favorite game outfit but note the following:

-Avoid bright colors-neutral colors that blend with the earth and the environment are recommended. (brown, grey, tan, or green). bright colors create discomfort to wild animals and portray a sense of territorial invasion.

-Lions and other cats are dichromatic. They only see two types of colors which are blue and green/ yellow. Remember cats have fewer cones than humans and cones are the ones responsible for perceiving color vision

Dress up as per the weather, climate, and time of day/year. For instance, a morning drive in April or July will have a different dress-up in December.

Protection from extreme weather (hat sunglasses).

     Apart from protecting you from the intense weather, a hat and sunglasses are important gadgets in ensuring uninterrupted visibility. remember you are in the wild and so being alert and clear visibility important. Box your classy pair of sunglasses to guard your eyes and ensure uninterrupted visibilitypolarized sunglasses work best to reduce brightness. A wide overflowed hat is also recommended to lessen your straight contact with the sun. Note: if you intend to use any form of sunscreen, ensure it's scent-free.

 Safety boots.

     While in a game drive, a dependable pair of walking shoes or hiking boots will be important and advantageous in getting the most out of your game drive involvement.While in the wild, there are insects, harmless and harmful, thorns, etc., and therefore dressing in a comfortable safety boot is highly recommended.

 First Aid kit.

     It’s electrifying to be in the midst of all kinds of wild animals but since you are in unfamiliar territory, home to the wild animals and plants, you should be cognizant of the fact that anything might happen and so you ought to be alert and prepared for any eventuality. Bear in mind that you are in a remote locality with no access to basic medical provisions. Its therefore advisable to pack a light medical kit that includes essentials such as aspirin, bandages, Headache tablets, Anti-nausea tablets, Anti-diarrheal, Rehydration sachets, Plasters, bandage and blister pads, Alcohol swabs, Gauze pads, Rubber gloves, Antiseptic cream, Insect repellent, Burn shield, Antihistamine tablets, and cream, Antibiotic for Traveller’s Diarrhea, Iodine tablets to treat water and Tweezers. By so doing, you’ll be equipped and ready for whatever comes your way.