Hotels Adaptation  to the New Normal
By David Tonny
Published 2 years ago

(photo courtesy-mahali mzuri hotel/masai mara)

     Our hospitality industry is hurt and so is our economy. It’s evident that the industry is in dire need of a conceptual strategy to revive the sector. The sad reality is that this monster is far from extermination, and therefore stern mitigation measures are apparent if we really need to bring the sector back to life. In full apprehension of this scary fact, the hospitality industry and the entire tourism segment must come up with measures to be able to thrive even as the world battles the pandemic. It means Facing the reality head-on by coming up with proactive measures that will see the industry blossom amidst the pandemic. It’s not an easy task but with focus, determination, and will, it may still be easy. In addition to the proposed measure by the government, hotels should formulate customized measures fit for their location and capacity. In view of this, we came up with some important considerations that will aid in the uniform reviving of the business, in line with the hospitality /tourism industry:

Hygiene and safety standards.

       Hotels and institutions offering such services should be at the top of the game when it comes to adherence to this measure. This is because we all know that prevention, containment, and eradication of the coronavirus revolve around hygiene and safety.

-Temperature check should be a normal procedure in every stem /section of the hotel institution, as well as documentation of the readings. Provision of additional consultation of persons exhibiting symptoms of being unwell should be provided. Ensure the availability of a doctor/health officer just in case such issues arise. This means that hotels should maintain a cordial relationship with the ministry of health to ensure swift action and routine procedures.

-Thorough cleaning of all hard surfaces with the recommended disinfectant, bleach, or a mixture containing at least 70% alcohol

-Thorough cleaning of all porous soft surfaces such as rugs, carpets with the appropriate cleaning agent.

-Canvasing/protecting printed surfaces that often come into contact with customers, such as menus, or consider electronic menus using gadgets.

-Religious disinfecting and wiping frequently touched areas such as door handles, knobs, switches, remotes, refrigerators, etc.

-Thorough and timely washing and disinfecting beddings and everything associated with the rooms, taking precautions to avoid contact. Safety gear for the attendants is recommended.

-Capitalize on cleaning all common areas such as dining, lobby, and meeting/conference rooms readily touched public places such as elevators, keys, key cards, and doorknobs bearing in mind that the virus can live on surfaces as long as 9 days. We are all aware that the virus in droplets can survive for a considerable period and so providing members of staff with perquisite PPEs such as gloves, face masks, overalls as well as training them on how to handle the PPEs to avoid contaminating themselves is equally important.

-Maintain clear signage and posters in line with MOH standards. These should be strategically placed for clear visibility during the day and night from the compound, walkways, dining, conference, as well as in rooms. Signage such as distancing, hand washing, coughing “no handshake”, location of hand sanitizers, masks, dustbins, and other disposing apparatus should be clearly labeled to avoid contamination. Introducing pre alerts to clients who have confirmed check-in as a precaution measure to avoid queuing during check-ins. For instance, sending messages alerting clients on what is required of them, right from the gate to the reception, and the rooms.

-Members of staff from all areas of guest interaction such as the front desk, walkway cleaners, room attendants should wear masks.

 “Customize” room amenities.

    Innumerable times, guests leave behind things such as pens, notepads, newspapers /magazines which end up being left out, even after cleaning. To avoid this, hotels should design a mechanism where clients can enlist room requirements prior to their check-in dates. By doing so, the hotel will be able to place what can be exhaustively utilized. This will also assist the hotel in sanitizing the sizable amenity.

Food & beverage.

    Hotels offering food and beverages should come up with measures on the safe handling of food /beverages. Even though There’s no proof of virus presence in food, handing is one vehicle through which the virus can be transmitted and so caution is important. Some of the actions include:

-Introduce self-service to your customers (buffet–style) where guests will be serving themselves and so reducing contact between the hotel staff and the guests. Make this applicable to breakfast, lunch dinner, and any requested meal. design strategic points as you control guests to avoid queuing. for snacks, ensure they are properly wrapped and if possible ask guests to use disposable gloves when serving themselves.

-Encourage in-room dining. This is because guests may not be at ease visiting public dining places/restaurants. Consider partnering with restaurants that offer takeaways services such as KFC, pizza inns

-Consider offering beverages/complimentary treats on-demand (fruits, juice, snacks) rather than just providing them. This is because what you are offering as a snack, juice, etc. may not be a taste to your guest and therefore you end up having unfinished drinks/snacks which may be a contamination point to the housekeeping staff.

Fitness areas (gyms, yoga, Zumba dance halls) spas, and pools.

 These areas can still be safe as long as the hotel maintains clear strict health regulations. It should be noted that this requires extreme and stricter measures to avoid being exposed to infectious surfaces. Some of these measures include:

-Aging and those with underlying health conditions should be prohibited from exposing themselves to the environment at all costs. Thorough temperature checks before commencing any exercises be it swimming, gym, yoga, etc. are recommended. Customized training gear which includes, sanitized towels/napkins, soap as well as protective gears for spa and gym attendants.

-Gyms and their accessories should be regularly cleaned and sanitized after every single exercise, consider using a disinfectant with the recommended alcohol percentage i.e. at least 70%. Paying close attention to areas such as weights, weighing equipment, treadmill, handrails, yoga mats as well as exercise balls 

-Dutiful testing of pool water to ensure that it meets the recommended chlorine level as well as the highest standards of hygiene including using appropriate disinfectant to neutralize the virus.

-Take note of the commonly ignored transmission spots such as bathtubs, showrooms, restrooms, changing rooms. These should be cleaned and disinfected at least after every single use by an attendant in full protective gear.

-Uphold strict compliance of measures such as mandatory showering with soap and water before going to a pool or spa, use of sanitizers before and after using the equipment.

Designate a quarantine facility.

Hotels should come up with a strategy of a well-documented procedure on how they can handle COVID 19 suspects. This includes an elaborate mechanism of identifying and managing sick guests, staff, suppliers. Such measure includes:

Seclusion of quarantine areas for suspects and unwell. 

-Establishment of a safe route to an isolation area, capable and reachable by transport and other emergencies.

-Defined emergency response and contact with the ministry of health.

-An elaborate evacuation plan.

-A well-documented procedure that will assist health officers in contact tracing.

-Arrangement of transport to designated healthcare facilities or hospitals.

    Additionally, hotels are required to document procedures that will guide health officers in contact tracing, cleaning, and disinfection procedure on areas that may appear exposed. elaborate communication procedure between the government and hotels is vital. Consider the creation of a safety manager position to oversee religious implementation and compliance.

Summarily, the end game is to revive our businesses, bring the hospitality industry back to life. Make use of this crafted framework as a tool to woo and convince your supposed clients. constant reminders to the public informing of emails and messages at all times should apply. Create a COVID 19 page on your website articulating exclusively your back to business formula, spice it up by linking it with a pop-up message that will be an eye-catcher to everyone using the internet.